Our property management division is the most crucial ingredient to the successful operation of our investment income properties. We believe our attentive, hands-on approach, professional financial reporting practices, and commitment to excellence are the reasons our property investments continually yield outstanding results for our property investments. Learn more
We firmly believe that you make your money when you buy a property, not when you sell it. For this reason, we exercise patience in the acquisition of commercial investment properties, employing a rigorous set of guidelines for investment analysis along with established operational standards and procedures for leasing, management and financial reporting. Learn more
If you are looking for commercial space in the DFW area, we invite you to call us to discuss our inventory of Texas commercial properties for sale or lease in Dallas, Denton and Tarrant counties. Learn more
The Brennan Company specializes in the acquisition, ownership and operation of neighborhood retail centers and commercial investment properties, primarily located in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. We create and enhance value for our partners and clients through aggressive leasing techniques and an attentive, personal and caring management style.
We maintain a quality tenant retention philosophy and emphasize a professional attentive, "hands on" and cost effective management approach. Our track record and historically higher than market occupancy rates within our properties speaks to our tenants' appreciation of our personal, caring management style.